Elden Ring: How long does the main campaign last? The producer details it and confirms new game +

In addition to the announcement of El Paso de Elden Ring to Phase Gold and the development of the DAY ONE patch, producer Bashir Vital has also spoken about an important issue and that interests fans: the time required to complete the game.

How long is the Elder Ring campaign? Take some Bosses. The same with the options that will give the new heading +. Of all this has spoken Vital at the Taipei Games Show event.

Life of Elder Ring and NG +

So, according to the words of him, some 30 hours are needed to finish the main story , although this can vary a lot according to your level of play and your tendency to take detours by making secondary content. Playing with a certain class is usually a good way to accelerate things, especially with the bosses. Then we will depress ourselves when we see speed runners by spending it in 2 hours and with a hand tied behind the back.

We do not doubt it for a moment, but the NG + 1 system and beyond, present in all games of fromSoftware for years, it will also be present. This will increase the difficulty, it will reappear elements and improve the rewards, at least in terms of runes if the usual pattern is preserved. It remains to be seen if NG + introduces new elements as occurred in Dark Souls 2 for example, or in Senior with Kurt's talisman.

You can see the complete interview (in Japanese) below, as well as the new passages of the game (also present in the video at the top of the article). Most of the aforementioned elements were already known.
