Suicide Squad: Never published material shows the Joker

Almost five years after the debut of the DC Films Suicide Squad, there are previously unpublished material to see that it did not manage in the theatrical version. These are several photos that the director David Ayer published as part of an Instagram story. Fortunately, some fans have reacted quickly enough and can save the material before disappearing from the mentioned story. It is now available in the form of a tweets.

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These are two photos that are well worth a closer look. On one of them, Jared Leto is seen in his role as a Joker, as he sits diabolically smiling on the floor and holding a pistol to his chin. More detailed conclusions on a specific scene in Suicide Squad (Buy Now 18.99 €) can not be dragged out. On the second picture, no scene is to be seen from the finished film, but a recording directly from filming. It shows one of the henchmen of the Joker, which carries a goat mask and armed with a machine gun.

According to David Ayer, these are just a few examples of a large amount of cut material, which did not manage to the theatrical version of Suicide Squad then. The director already showed a little enthusiastic about the fact that he had to omit much out of the movie, which actually predicted him in his original version. Therefore, several times the call for a kind of Ayer Cut of the film for HBO max loud - similar to the Zack-Snyder-Cut by Justice League.

Source: Twitter

From André left author 22.09.2021 at 12:40
