Diablo 2 remains hard in Remake: You must coop

Diablo 2 will soon be celebrating his comeback. Then Blizzard brings back the Quasi-Urvater Modern Action RPGs and Loot Search Pirals in a new robe as Diablo 2: Resurrected. Apart from the graphics and controller control, it will probably not change so much. Also, when it comes to the Loot in the Multiplayer, as it was now confirmed: Together with others, you will not get all your own loot, but all grasp together on one and the same, universal loot.

In Diablo 2 Resurrected you have to click in the co-op as earlier around the Loot

Diablo 2 Resurrected will be released on September 23, 2021 for PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S / X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and the PC. The special feature of the remake is, above all, that you can switch back and forth between the old look and the new, prowere graphic. Look at the latest trailer:

No personal Loot: Diablo 2 Resurrected is also based on the original with regard to the multiplayer Loot. That is, there will be no so-called Personal Loot, in which all your own prey get, as it is often regulated in newer games.

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Diablos Franchise Executive Producer Rod Fergusson explains on Twitter that there is no such function in Diablo 2: Resurrected. Also not the ability to switch on and off the feature according to the amounts (as it works for example at Borderlands 3). At least not to the launch.

Maybe later: For later, he does not want to exclude the whole thing. When asked for personal prey versus, universal loot is a debate that will continue to be discussed internally in the team. So it could certainly be that eventually a corresponding switch is installed.

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The one Freud, the other sorry: Such discussions in the network are unfortunately still ensuring allergic reactions at many old-established fans. While one simply wish for a practical feature to avoid any disputes, others directly beat hands over the head. While some see a Quality of Life update, some fear, there were too few players * inside and they would then also split.

How do you see that with the multiplayer loot? What else hopes for improvements from remake?
