The next Rocksteady game would be Suicide Squad

According to a new rumor, the next Rocksteady game should be on Suicide Squad.

The rumor was broadcast by the former headwriter of Game Inform, Imran Khan, during a recent distribution of Kinda Funny Games Daily.

Although he did not provide specific details, Khan clearly mentioned that I heard that the next Rocksteady game is Suicide Squad minute 15:05.

Madden 21 Next Level Feedback - You Have To Get Rid Of 2 Man Sequences The title is now supposed to be revealed to DC Fandome, a 24-hour digital event where new ads from WB Games will be offered.

We do not know exactly how it would connect, if it did, in the world of DC film and / or comics, although there is certainly a lot of room to do it in terms of narration.

The next Rocksteady game has long been the subject of rumors because the last title of the studio was Batman Arkham Knight, and which was published in 2015.

The team has been linked to a game as a production of services rotating DC heroes in past rumors, and that would be very suitable for this mention of Squad suicide.

The developer was also linked to a Superman game, but it seems that some of those launched were canceled before being presented in public.

At the other end, rumors and teasers indicate that Warner Bros's next match. Montreal will be a smooth restart of the arkhavene revolving around the Batfamily and the Court of Owls.
